[SEL] Neat! Tod engine's Allis-Chalmers loader

Tod Engine todengine at zoominternet.net
Sat Mar 26 16:08:57 PST 2005


The engine is Allis Chalmers' own make.  It runs great, give a squirt of 
ether in the intake and she fires right up. Its a model D-344.

Today was my first real chance to run it and do some real work.  I soon 
found that it had absolutely no brakes, so I set out to fix that.  One of 
the brake lines needed replaced and the master cylinder bled.  Its obvious 
that the master cylinder probably didn't get checked often, as you have to 
remove the floorboard in the cab to get to it!  Not the best design IMO. 
Its also very uncomfortable to work on it, I had to work upside down much of 
the time.

After getting the brakes to work I fired her up and started digging up some 
topsoil so I can put in gravel later.  Everything works great and she has 
plenty of power but I still have alot of learning to do on the finer points 
of operation.

The next project is to get all the dashboard gauges to function as well as 
the lights.  Not too bad an investment figuring I paid half of scrap value 
for it.

Rick Rowlands

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Richard Allen" <linstrum55 at yahoo.com>
To: "Stationary Engine List" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2005 6:00 PM
Subject: [SEL] Neat! Tod engine's Allis-Chalmers loader

> Wow! That is a nice wheel loader! I wish I had one of those, too. The
> tires even look half-way decent! I can't tell from the photos if it has
> the 2-stroke 4-71 GMC/Detroit Diesel engine or the later 4-stroke
> Buda/Allis-Chalmers diesel. I have worked around both, but it was such
> a long time ago I can't remember exactly what they look like without
> seeing the air intake system. Which engine does it have?
> Work and play safely,
> Rich Allen
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