[SEL] Edison Splitdorf

Listerdiesel listerdiesel at gmail.com
Tue Mar 22 03:31:26 PST 2005

We had a trip down to Surrey last evening to pick up some ebay stuff
that we had bought in the USA and had shipped to our friends in
California. The 'family' transportation system eventually brought it
back here, so we were able to have a look at our purchases.

The main item was an Edison-Splitdorf service manual, dating from the
late 1940's. A large 2" thick loose-bound item, it has a lot of
original fitting information plus most of the Splitfdorf magneto
spares lists and service info, all useful stuff.

One item that caught my eye was that Thomas A Edison Co bought
Splitdorf originally, but some pages in the book show Wico as the
owners of the company, whether that is Edison or just Splitdorf I
don't know, but I'd appreciate any info on that side of things.

In the late 1940's there must have been a huge contraction in the
magneto marketplace, with diesels coming along in smaller sizes and
the aero industry downsizing after the war.  Wico appears to have had
a big chunk of the dwindling market by then, and they also went
through ownership changes, first with Globe-Union  and then with

Peter A Forbes
Email: listerdiesel at gmail.com
Web: www.oldengine.org/members/diesel

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