[SEL] Re: Cast Iron repair

Andy Glines andyglines at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 16 06:59:57 PST 2005

Thanks for the tips on cast iron repair.  I knew that I was asking the right 
folks.  There were some really creative ways to disguise the repair for a 
casting which will not be painted.  For my situation some ideas are more 
helpful than others.  I'm working with a 100 year old casting and it is 
quite rough.  The pits are pretty deep and my needle scaler wouldn't begin 
to make those kind of dents.  The scaler did do a good job on the brass 
repaired area though.  I had to make sure to only make light passes over the 
brass and to heavier work over the cast.  I will apply a coat of paint over 
what I have done so far and evaluate the results.  I really like the idea of 
using epoxy (JB Weld) to create a textured surface.  I'll let you know how 
things work out.

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