[SEL] Showing engines or not.

Jeff Allen transteck at earthlink.net
Wed Mar 9 18:16:08 PST 2005

Hi all,

At the risk of pissing off some of the club or board members of my club, 
I decided to make this post. Quite honestly I don't know if any of them 
are on either list. I sure do want some opinions, and hell, at least 
it's on topic.

I run the web site for my local club, and my mailbox gets many inquiries 
regarding the club. Some I can answer and others I pass on to a board 
member. One of my latest inquiries was this one, and I've snipped and 
copied cause I don't like typing. Location and phone number removed by me.

> I operate a small agricultural museum in ().  I have and old Iron Show 
> Scheduled for May 7th, 2005.  I would like to ask if any of your 
> members would be interested in bringing antique Tractors  and 
> Equipment to the Show.  I can be reached through the email address or 
> at () Tuesday through Thrusday afternoons till 5:00 p.m.
> Thank you

Now to me this sounds like a helluva good invitation. Land and location 
furnished and a place to show off old iron and get together. No cost to 
the club because club sponsored shows are covered by liability 
insurance. What is the problem? Well it turns out the show would add no 
money to the clubs coffers, and without that it is not a show. I realize 
that there are revenue needs to keep a club going, but do we have to 
make money at every place we can show? Car club folks knock themselves 
out to show off their iron and they get by.

The potential to run our (revenue making item) maybe could have been 
there by the way. I have no doubt it would have been welcome and some 
revenue obtained. The board of directors  turned the invitation down. 
What the hell is this hobby all about? Making money only or a little of 
both. Not a happy camper tonight.

Now you all tell me what you think and the flame suit is on. I may not 
look as good as  Dolly in it for you guys, but there are gals on the 
lists. Bet I'd look good to them. :-)) Happily married so it's look but 
don't touch by the way.

Jeff Allen

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