[SEL] Harry's dad - thoughts sent from afar

Mark Kennedy flywheel at netconnect.com.au
Mon Jun 27 01:43:50 PDT 2005

Hello George,

Please pass onto Harry that many people are thinking of him and share in 
his grief.

While I have neither corresponded with Harry or met him, I can understand 
his feelings after having lost my father 3 years ago.



At 03:08 PM 22/06/2005 -0500, Best, George wrote:
>For those of you who know Harry Terpstra.
>I just got an email from him and his father has passed away.
>His dad had a heart attack a couple days ago and was in intensive care
>at the hospital.  He died this afternoon.
>This will be tough on Harry as he and his dad were very close and shared
>a common interest in the engine hobby.
>SEL mailing list
>SEL at lists.stationary-engine.com

Mark Kennedy
Ballarat, Victoria, Australia

Registrar for the WING Gauge & Instrument Co.

'Training Down Under with the majesty of the South Australian Railways'

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