Michael Tucker mtucker at uky.edu
Tue Jun 14 06:35:18 PDT 2005

>How was the SIAM show?

Because life has managed to get in the way, it had been a number of 
years since we had been to the SIAM show but what GREAT show it 
is!!!!!!  It seems to have grown quite a bit since we were there 
last.  I know this is hard to believe for an engine show in Indiana 
but Friday was a little wet (I'm sure glad it never rains during the 
Portland show :-)).  Saturday was beautiful with a lot of engines 
running and a great spectator turnout.  I agree with Arnie that the 
star of the show was the 7 hp Abernaque buzz/drag saw rig.  Even 
without the big drag saw hooked up, the pitman arm had some pretty 
impressive monkey motion.  Unfortunately, we didn't have our camera 
with us on Saturday but I'm sure that someone will post some pictures 
of it along with some of the other engines.

I have to pat the SEL folks on the back because our engines were 
running pretty much non stop on Friday and Saturday even through the 
rain on Friday.  This included engines with no paint, some original 
paint, lots of original paint, bright and shiny new paint, mag fired 
and battery coil fired.  During the rain on Friday, which lasted 
about 3 hours, the SEL engines were the only engines running on the 
show grounds.  I even had one spectator ,who had driven about 300 
miles to get to the show, thank me for running our engines.   The 
other engine wimps acted like FATGs and left their stuff, both tarped 
and untarped, just sit there not running.

As a special bonus the food at the Log Inn was fantastic.  If you're 
ever near Evansville, I would highly recommend it.  Great food and I 
guarantee that you won't walk out of there hungry.  Throw in a group 
of great folks and a show just can't get much better.

Michael Tucker
Midway, Kentucky, USA
mtucker at uky.edu

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