[SEL] LPG valve 6hp M.

John Hammink jg.hammink at quicknet.nl
Thu Jun 2 08:00:48 PDT 2005

Hi All,
Posted it already on Smokstak and since there is no traffic on the list
I thought I will bring some life in the brewery :o)

Did some playing with LPG gas lately to run my 6 hp M and found out she runs fine on it. When the engine was running on kerosene,
I closed the needle valve and the damper plate and put the gas hose through the
damper plate hole and she runs on LPG and got it down to 140 rpm. Today I made a new damper plate and soldered a lunkenheimer
angle drip valve on it and had the possibility to adjust the gas flow. It works great that way, slowly turning the needle valve I
could make 80 rpm. Like it much so will use it at shows once in a while I think.
Images can be seen at:

John Hammink
Anna Paulowna, Netherlands.
jg.hammink at quicknet.nl

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