[SEL] Timbertown

Russell Gilbert russell at ncable.com.au
Fri Jul 15 04:56:23 PDT 2005

Oh dear Patrick, I will remember this next time you have the oportunity to 
purchase a quality Hornsby engine :-)  It sounds pretty odd for a hornsby 
to run better off the MV carby. Perhaps us Hornsby owners should throw our 
lovely brass Lonquemare carbies to the shit house and put a rare MV on. 
Just imagin what would happen to the price of all the little MV's kicking 
about the vast waste land.

At 06:34 PM 15/07/2005 +1000, you wrote:
>Hi Russell,
>         After a quick phone call I have confirmed that it is actually a M-V
>carby and not the correct French one. Apparently it runs a lot better on the
>M-V carby.
>I did not pay a lot of attention to the engine as if it is English and not a
>Blackstone I am not interested ;)
>Patrick M Livingstone
>Leichhardt NSW
>-----Original Message-----
>Patrick do you recall what carbie was on the Richard Hornsby engine on page
>SEL mailing list
>SEL at lists.stationary-engine.com

Russell Gilbert
Sunny Sunraysia
russell at ncable.com.au

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