[SEL] Charity Auction

Alan Bowen rustaholic777 at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 17 18:20:37 PST 2005

Hi Folks,

HEY,,, Who is gonna step up and place a bit on the VX6 on the Charity Auction?
Please,,,,,,  8>))
I need to be done with the bidding so I can pay off all the items I have won and take control of
the Famous World Traveled Blue Handled Fence Pliers.

They are gonna stay in Northern Lower Michigan for another year, BUT,,, They will be safe in the
hands for an engine guy and not one of them,,,,, You know,,,, Tr@(t0r guys.
 I PROMISE,,, I will not place another bid on the VX6 if someone will be kind enough to take it
away from me.  I just HAD to take it away from what looked like a Tr@(t0r guy.  It was just
instinct that drove me to bid.  8>))  If poorboy is an engine guy then I am sorry, but the name
sure sounds like on them guys to me,,,,  8>))


I was expecting to see an engine calendar up there,,,, What happened????

Very disapointing.
I will take a stab at making one for next year's auction I guess.

Alan Bowen rustaholic777 at yahoo.com
Williamsburg, Michigan

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