[SEL] [AT] Charity auction

lightningrod guitronics at comcast.net
Wed Jan 5 04:09:08 PST 2005

peter ogborne wrote:

>''lightning rod''.........interesting slant on things that you have !So
>charity really begins at home with you . I am sure that you are on your own
>with your bigoted comments and that your fellow country men would no doubt
>shudder at your crassness and insular attitude.
>A point to think about ...the US is the strongest power in the world, do you
>really need help from lesser powers.But if you are inteligent enough to
>perhaps inquire you will find that many countries helped and are still
>helping your war on terror in Iraq. Countries like Portugal, Spain ,
>Australia ,Japan ,UK, Italy ,many of the eastern block countries[ as you are
>no doubt a very blinkered person you may have to get out an atlas to see
>where these countries are] .As a reminder my country supplied fire fighters
>for your fires in California.
>Original Message -----
>From: "lightningrod" <guitronics at comcast.net>
>To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
>Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 8:18 AM
>Subject: Re: [SEL] [AT] Charity auction
>>George Best wrote:
>>>I agree with John.
>>>While the tsunami damage is tremendous and has the attention of the
>>>whole world, we shouldn't forget the groups that have received funds
>>>from us in the past. Some of the groups like the Tod engine project
>>>don't have the benefit of countries trying to out do each other in their
>>>amount of giving.
>>>There aren't other organizations donating money to them and cutting them
>>>off doesn't seem right to me.
>>>We all have plenty of opportunities to donate to the various tsunami
>>>relief organizations. Hijacking this years donations and redirecting
>>>them to the tsunami aid isn't the only way to help.
>>>The charity auction has already suffered this year by lack of items
>>>being listed and buyers. (I know I'm guilty this year, I've donated in
>>>the past and have bought in the past but just couldn't get excited about
>>>it this year) Changing the recipient of the donations to a world cause,
>>>is kind of getting away from what I thought the intent of the charity
>>>auction was.
>>>Add me to the grouch list ;-)
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: sel-bounces at lists.stationary-engine.com
>>>>[mailto:sel-bounces at lists.stationary-engine.com] On Behalf Of jfgrant
>>>>Sent: Monday, January 03, 2005 9:48 AM
>>>>To: Antique tractor email discussion group;
>>>>sel at lists.stationary-engine.com
>>>>Subject: [SEL] [AT] Charity auction
>>>>Spencer & List Members.
>>>>At the risk of being labeled a "Grouch" I would say that we
>>>>really need to think about Spencer's motion. Traditionally we
>>>>have supported local needs and while I know there are
>>>>tremendous needs resulting from the Tsunami, the needs in
>>>>local areas have not gone away.
>>>>I fear that many if not most of the local needs will be
>>>>passed over or forgotten in light of the new need.
>>>>We as a Nation are already contributing much $$$ which is
>>>>fine and great but we as a small organization and other small
>>>>groups are what fund many of the local needs and the
>>>>Government does not fund these worthwhile small charities.
>>>>Just My Thoughts. I will support what ever the group decides.
>>>> Respectfully,  John Grant
>>>SEL mailing list
>>>SEL at lists.stationary-engine.com
>>My $0.02... Where was the world when 9/11 hit US? Dancing in the
>>streets. No help.What about the Forest fires during the drought before
>>2004? No help. How about the hurricanes in Florida this last year? No
>>help. Floods in the south this year? No help.War on terror? A little
>>help, but mostly a slap in the face. When did any other Country help the
>>US? They must have, at some point.....No,they didn't help US, we went to
>>war for THEM!
>>Tsunami....yeah, a tragedy,a real disaster.OK, Japan kicked in 20 Mil,
>>that was nice....How much is China giving? Who? What? ....and Russia?
>>SEL mailing list
>>SEL at lists.stationary-engine.com
>SEL mailing list
>SEL at lists.stationary-engine.com
OK,I'm a Bigot.Thanks for the firefighting help,I was making a general 
statement, not trying to get into a microcosm of the entire history of 
who helped who. IN GENERAL, the U.S.A. has done far more for other 
countries than was ever suggested. A natural disaster happens, the U.S. 
is expected to fix it, in fact; it is somehow our fault. I sure am happy 
I'm not as intelligent as you.

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