[SEL] How others see us.
Alan Bowen
rustaholic777 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 22 12:23:38 PST 2005
Thanks for sharing that, Dave!!
The guy is a bit warpped, but I know there are people like that out there.
Like a feller I grew up with,,,
I emailed him to ask a question about the farm he grew up on. I wanted to get his perspective on
He went off on "That Dump,,,," He wrote how much he had hated living with all that junk around.
How he never could invite any of his school friends to come visit and such.
I always loved visiting there. I liked all the old toyes. His dad is still more my dad than his.
I have the 1885 Majestic woodburning range from that farm out in my garage. Plus that is where my
1914 Letz model 8 Feed Grinder came from.
Alan Bowen
Williamsburg, Michigan
--- Dave Croft <dave.croft at ntlworld.com> wrote:
> Passed on from the UK engine group.
See http://www.realclassic.co.uk/ridesfiles/rides03102700.html
> Dave Croft
> Warrington
> England
> http://community.webshots.com/user/crftdv
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