[SEL] Fairbank Morse Z Style D (ShoeBox) Info Needed

FRM8198 at aol.com FRM8198 at aol.com
Mon Feb 21 18:17:18 PST 2005

I finally got around to disassemble the stuck Fairbank Morse Z  Style D 
(ShoeBox) engine.  When the crankcase cover was removed, it  was apparent that 
water had gotten into the crankcase.  I removed the  crankshaft and surprise to 
find that the large main bearing journal was blue as  if no oil was available to 
lubricate this moving part.  The piston was not  stuck and I was able to move 
it back and forth.  However, when I started to  inspect the crankshaft timing 
gear, the real bad news revealed itself.   Timing gear has several teeth 
missing.  I am not familiar with this engine  and it appears that the crankshaft, 
flywheel, and this defective timing gear are  all one piece.  Counter weights 
are bolted to the crankshaft  journals.  I don't see how this crankshaft 
assembly can be disassembled any  further.  I hope I am wrong.  Can some of the 
Fairbank Morse Z  Style D (ShoeBox) experts help me?

Francis Maciel
Santa Maria, CA 

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