[SEL] Sharin' engines

Prepair Ltd prepair at easynet.co.uk
Tue Feb 15 06:10:40 PST 2005

On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 06:50:07 -0700, you wrote:

>  In the blabber mode this a.m.  but how do ya'll handle it when two of ya 
>find a NICE engine together?  50/50 has never worked for me and in my 
>younger days it caused a lot of problems and now that I'm smarter and 
>wiser?????????, I'd like to stay away from the 50/50 ownership.
>  So how do ya'll handle this?  Flip a coin?
>Life is good in Mt.

I'm due back out in the workshop!

I have always found that unless you are VERY good friends, sharing
just doesn't ever work, unless there is a dominant/subservient
relationship between the pair of you and that ain't good anyhow!

Peter A Forbes
Prepair Ltd, Luton, UK
prepair at easynet.co.uk

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