[SEL] More engine colors

Prepair Ltd prepair at easynet.co.uk
Sat Feb 12 07:06:09 PST 2005

On Sat, 12 Feb 2005 06:05:47 -0500, you wrote:

>I'm interested in knowing about the Indian - Built "Listeroid" .....how 
>do you like it? Anyone else have Listeroids, or - Listers?

Quite a few of the Indian-built engines are in the USA, and you can
buy them new on ebay.

Quality, or lack of it seems to have been a recurring complaint over
the years, and as there is no development programme, the engines are
not improved upon, they are just copies of the Lister originals.

One regular complaint for the twins was that of crankshaft failure for

As for genuine Lister engines, there are also quite a few of these as
well, even in the USA where Lister had a manufacturing plant during
WW2, and a cooperative arrangement with Nordberg.

We have a few ourselves...

Peter A Forbes
Prepair Ltd, Luton, UK
prepair at easynet.co.uk

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