[SEL] Just how do you feel about your club?
Gary Epps
garyepps at fidnet.com
Thu Feb 3 20:43:16 PST 2005
Tom, the Bylaws should spell out the duties/responsibilities of the
individual board members, the board as a whole as well as the officers.
Germoamer at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 2/3/2005 8:03:58 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> jopeter at omninet.net.au writes:
> << I along with some like
> thinking fellow members raised our objections to this cheap and tawdry
> excuse for a Club Badge. >>
> Peter,
> Welcome to the "joys" belonging to a club!!
> Recently our club had similar circumstances. The board of directors held a
> meeting late last fall looking at the 2004 expenses and any 2005 year changes.
> Two items of interest were discussed at length, one being the present
> $10/year membership dues and the other was the $4 show admission fee. The board
> decided to keep the $10 membership fee the same and to increase the show admission
> fee to $5. When the board minutes were presented at the regular club
> meeting, a few raised great concerns about these fees, how it affected the budget,
> and how it might affect the number of club membership and spectators. After
> much discussion it was decided to present the budget findings, and to have the
> members present at the next regular meeting vote on the dues and entrance fees.
> After presentation/discussions at the next meeting, the majority voted to
> keep the $10 membership fee and to increase the spectator entrance fee to $5 for
> 2005, just as the board had voted to do themselves!
> So, one has to ask just what are the club "board of directors"
> duties/responsibilites? Of course the "board" is not a club dictatorship and all members
> ideas and input are needed and appreciated. Changes should be discussed when
> not agreed with. But, if every thing voted and agreed upon by the board is
> challenged and must be presented to all club members, then what is the board for
> and would anything ever get done??
> Of course as we all know, when club members are asked if the would serve on
> the board of directors the answer is they have "conflicts" (NO) and the same
> answer(NO) is given when they are asked to perform a specific job function for
> the show!
> Tom Schmutz
> Concord, Va. USA
> Germoamer at aol.com
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