[SEL] OT - what is NPT REALLY..........

William Olson weolson at wiktel.com
Tue Feb 1 15:55:50 PST 2005

Just to add some confusion to the thread, no pun intended, I'll add the 
following info:  I am a licensed electrician and looking in the National 
Electrical Code book under IMC or Rigid conduit about threading pipe 
(conduit), it states the following.  "Where conduit is threaded in the 
field, a standard cutting die with a taper of 1 in 16 (3/4 inch per 
foot) shall be used.  Fine Print Note: See ANSI/ASME B.1.20..1-1983, 
Standard for Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch)."
   I don't know if this helps or hinders the ongoing diolog, but I give 
it for what it's worth.
William Olson, Roosevelt, MN

diesel at easynet.co.uk wrote:

>Quoting James Yost <jnyost at yahoo.com>:
>>Both are correct. I do not think you could win or
>>loose on trying to see who is right or wrong.
>>Engineers sometime refer it as taper but us common
>>folk say thread.
>I'd say National Pipe Thread is the correct term, as the thread comes (as does 
>the British Standard Pipe thread) in both taper and parallel forms. Both are 
>listed in the SAE handbooks that we have. 

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