[SEL] Low Rent Bastard

Jeff Allen transteck at earthlink.net
Wed Dec 28 17:08:48 PST 2005

> Hi Jeff,
>         Do you (or does anyone on the List) know if e-bay will do 
> anything about what (and how) this guy is selling/operating. Is he 
> actually doing anything that is against e-bay policy?
>         Dave


I'm not sure which LRB you refer to. The one selling the BYB is doing 
nothing illegal or against e-bays rules. I agree with Arnie on him.

The other LRB selling the photos apparently is doing something against 
e-bay policies. The auction I won was cancelled by e-bay after it ended.

>has been removed from eBay for violating eBay policy

Jeff Allen
Arvada, Colorado, USA
transteck at earthlink.net

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