[SEL] [SEL} Hit Miss Embroidery Program Wanted
Jim French
fbi at insulate.co.uk
Tue Dec 20 12:54:18 PST 2005
Hi Francis
Sounds like you need your picture digitising (the process of turning a
graphic into an embroidery design).
There are lots of people who do this - I had photos of Jim's motorbikes
and oilfield engine made into small sewing designs about 4" sq which was
the maximum size I could use on my old sewing machine. I think it cost
me $120 for all three designs.
Many digitizers charge per 1000 stitches. I also found one on eBay who
charged a flat rate and did a superb job of Reg's Regimota logo for me:
Once you've got the design, all you need to do is buy the garment and
find someone who can put the two together for you. I'm on some
embroidery forums, so I'm sure I could find someone local to you.
Once you have paid to have the design digitised, that design belongs to
you. The formats are easily converted from one type of machine to
another - even I have the software to do that!
I would recommend getting quotes from at least a couple of places.
Let me know, helen at insulate.co.uk, if I can be of further help.
FRM8198 at aol.com wrote:
>Hi List,
>Does anyone know where I can get embroidery program for a "hit miss" type
>engine? I want to get a jacket embroidered with a scene of a hit miss engine.
>I took a picture of an Economy engine to my local embroidery shop and I was
>told that they didn't have an available program to make an embroidery of the
>engine. They could develop a program for a price which is beyond my budget
>and, furthermore, the program would not be mine.
>Any suggestions where I can get data for this project, will be appreciated.
Jim French
fbi at insulate.co.uk
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