[SEL] Snipping and Flaming, and Sigs

Jeff Allen transteck at earthlink.net
Sun Dec 18 15:35:07 PST 2005

Hi Dave,

Knowing the location of list members can help. A few months ago a list 
member mentioned something he was looking for. I found the item on e-bay 
a few days later. It was for local pickup only in North Carolina. Wanna 
guess where the list member lived? It was in his sig or I wouldn't have 
known to contact him.


Jeff Allen
Arvada, Colorado, USA
transteck at earthlink.net


>  I will agree with the location as part of the signature.How many 
> times has someone requested help with whatever and no idea whether I 
> was close enough to help or not.
>> Bob Willman
> Hi Bob,
>         And EXACTLY who have you "helped" in the last 12 months? The 
> last 24 months? Did they need help moving some old iron or just some 
> information? If the former did they get it moved w/out a location 
> added to your sig? If the latter would a sig have made any difference?
>         Dave 

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