[SEL] OT...Cold Calls....telephone problems

peter ogborne jopeter at omninet.net.au
Tue Dec 13 14:50:50 PST 2005

This is something that i am now experiencing but from what i read is
something that the US and the UK have had for some time.
The phone rings and because you have the answer phone connected and the
message kicks in after 6 rings you rush to the phone and if you are in the
bloody workshop it is even worse ,i.e. you trip over something!
Anyway when you pick up the phone and say ''hello '' there is no answer, not
even the bloody man from Bombay or Calcutta as has been the case[ my
solution to the latter is to ask if they can help me with my pet elephant
Abdullah ,he has gone off his food].
Seems these unanswered calls are " Cold Calls, computer generated and used 
by call centres.Anyone got any good ideas of how to combat this problem?
Peter Ogborne
Little Grove ,Albany
West Australia
''Heart of the Rainbow Coast ''
jopeter at omninet.net.au

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