[SEL] 30-50 HP slow-speed gas engine

Michael P. Koryciak guitronics at comcast.net
Sat Aug 20 02:26:36 PDT 2005

I'd like to build my stepson a small ORV.My dimensions are 77" Wide x 
132" Long x 6' or so High.

I'd like an all Cast-Iron,slow-speed,gas engine of approximately 30-50 

Something with a medium-sized flywheel would be fine.

This will be a downsized pickup truck-style.He's mentally impaired,and 
has Cystic Fibrosis,has a quad runner at his dad's...he drives very 
slowly.Of course, I'll put a speed limiter on it.

My idea is to mate this engine to an All-Wheel Drive with locking axles, 
and automatic transmission.

Both front and rear-wheel steering would be great.

I'm open to ideas,and please no sarcasm....this is legit. Thanks

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