Adam Cottrill
adamcottrill at bigpond.com
Sat Aug 13 05:31:04 PDT 2005
Hi Paul,
I agree the "lines of the communication" do not work 100% however they DO EXIST, I have just come back from my clubs meeting tonight and there was our certificate of currency for the insurance and the NHMA newsletter.
My club secretary noted in the mintues of the meeting that the information was passed on to me (as club insurance officer) and I digested it and spat out the relevent bits that affected our club, further those peices will also be placed in forth comming newsletter and we even had a motion to change the way we handle and post of insurance moneys to both the NHMA and members since now its NO CARD NO SHOW clubs issueing receipts as proof of payment of insurance as no longer acceptable we used to do this in the interm of the cards arriving. Also NHMA newsletter are kept on file and any member can view them at anytime via the secretary
Paul I'm going to ask you a personal question if I may, at your club do you have an appointed person who handles the in comming NHMA information other than the secretary??? who breaks down the information and posts it in a readable format for club members... have you ever asked to read the NHMA newsletters etc your club gets??
Im going to go out on a limb here and suggest that maybe your club doesnt do this merly the newsletters and info are sent to your club and are filed by the secretary and merly mentioned in the incomming correspondence.
Also that maybe you have not asked to view the corresspondence and if you have you might have been declined this is an issue with YOUR club NOT the NHMA.
As for my recollection your approachs (I even did one for you) to the NHMA where tabled and responded to, the end result was as you mentioned was that the NHMA needs 100% editorial control of what was placed on it which is understandable and you where told this hence your comments about it. I do not know if it was official or in person face to face. The above is the same reason why the NHMA no longer places reports in the TOMM.
My understanding is Alan Shephard is currently undertaking the website construction I have no idea of its progess, you have his email im sure shoot him one or give him a call.
Talking about approaches apart from your very generous offer of your website as a host, you know that ALL corresspondence is to travel through your club first to the state representative.
This means you will need to go to your club meeting and stand up and move a motion that your club write to the NHMA State Rep requesting the information your require.
Why the hell should we do this???? simple there are over 8,000 members in the NHMA and to make the work load less on the volunters (all of the memebrs who hold posiitons no one gets paid) and communications faster and work.
I will be down in Melbourne late this week or early next I am happy to sit down and have a chat with you about this because I can understand how frustrating it is when it seems no information is comming through.
I also suspect I will be in melb frequently over the next two months let me know when your next meeting is maybe we could attend togeather Ill sit next to you and we can sort this out. Again I point out im doing this as a fellow engine hobbist not as a sanctioned NHMA representative.
Kind regards,
Hi Adam,
I certainly agree that the "lines of communication" do not work - they
do not exist. I've lost count of the number of times I've offered the
NHMA (various people known to be involved) to host a web site free where
they control the content - I never even get a response, let alone a no
thanks. You cannot have lines of communication to a secret society that
calls itself National Historic Machinery Association Inc. that "Inc."
that stands for incorporated should mean that the association is legally
registered in one or more states - it is not! It may have been at one
time, but it certainly is not now. I've made searches in each state's
registry and federally for the name - zip.
Adam Cottrill wrote:
> However I feel the NHMA is along way from doing that as the lines of communication
and some of the basics arnt
working right yet to for lack of a better term "complicate" things.
Yes it sounds easy when you say it fast but
there is a lot more work behind it to make it happen and apply to the
8000 members the NHMA has, and this is
something I intend to attempt to move forward personally as I feel it
will make the hobby so much better.
pjp at steamengine.com.au
Emerald, Victoria, Australia
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Date: [Sat, 13 Aug 2005 18:49:56 +1000]
From: Ron Page <page at velocitynet.com.au>
To: The SEL email discussion list <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Subject: Re: [SPAM 1.6 (+)] [SEL] NHMA
You will find it was incorporated in Victoria. The incorporation papers are
on file and we had to appoint a Victorian member as our Public Officer.
I understand that the NHMA Board is in the process of establishing a
website. I don't know how far it has progressed.
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