[SEL] 6hp Associated

jbcast at charter.net jbcast at charter.net
Wed Aug 3 20:06:43 PDT 2005

This story started on a sad note back in April. My sister lost a long battle with cancer. They spent most of their married life in Cincinatti, were here for the last several years. Friends of theirs down for the funeral came to my shop to visit. Ned was fascinated with all the old iron and machinery. He said he had his dads Associated and some other things in storage and needed to slim down to one mini warehouse. His son is starting graduate school at LSU, pulled up today in a rental truck with a 6hp Associated, 2 models, and a B&S model A. I'm guessing the models are Associateds, not sure. One is small enough for the palm of your hand, the other about twice that size. Oil brought the compression up on both. The 6hp was running in less than a half hour, oiled it and cleaned the points, put fuel in it, and off it went.. It's been converted to spark plug but the ignitor was with it. The top of the hopper is an open rectangle with an ear in each corner, is this for an extension!
  or is there a cover with a smaller opening? It's been a good day,
J.B. Castagnos.

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