[SEL] Gerald Buitendach's Engine Day

Jerry Evans jerrye at databak.co.za
Thu Apr 28 08:13:33 PDT 2005

>Some very nice looking engines Jerry.  Interesting that each one had a tarp 
>or burlap sack underneath to keep the oil from messing up his lawn. 
>Neville's and yours Bernard engines are very unique looking. Thanks for 

>Luke Tonneberger
>Rockford, Michigan
Hi Luke
	Thanks for the reply and comments. Yes The Bernards are nice - their
quality of manufacture is very high - almost ahead of their time! They are
pretty unusual here in South Africa and searching the Net for them also
does not yield much information - one or two sites in Europe. The
manufacturing company still exists in France and have been very helpful in
identifying these engines and supplying manuals and other information.
	Yes they have a beautiful lawn and as we are nearing our winter and the
end of the growing season, oil (and hot water) spills would kill the grass
and they would have to wait until spring for it to recover. Tarps are not
so good for photos and I did remove some of them to take the pics but got
lazy. I alo digitally removed a lot of tarps and suchlike from some of the
pics before posting them - I hope nobody can recognise which ones I did
this to. As a clue, the pic of my Bernard had a pile of tarps lying behind
and to the right of it (about halfway between the description and the
information board on the pic) as well as a hosepipe on the embankment
behind it - I removed these digitally.
Jerry Evans

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