[SEL] Silver Soldering Failure

Dave Rotigel rotigel at alltel.net
Mon Apr 18 17:56:39 PDT 2005

At 12:00 PM 4/18/2005, you wrote:
>Hi Everybody,
>Well, I tried my hand at silver soldering Saturday and didn't have any 
>success. t point. I did put it in the main bearings after welding and it 
>still turned over and didn't bind. So that's my silver soldering failure story.
>Luke Tonneberger

Hi Luke,
         It sounds to me as if you have purchased some of that LIBERAL 
silver solder. Like most things LIBERAL it simply will not work!
The government was to have straightened this out several years ago, but the 
democrats have been filibustering the issue and the republicans don't have 
the (silver) balls to use the nuck option!

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