[SEL] Portland - Gas Prices

bill at antique-engines.com bill at antique-engines.com
Fri Apr 15 12:29:39 PDT 2005

I pay 50 cents for a litre of flavored bottled drinking water.
I pretty much quit buying "bottled pop" due to it being $1.25.


> Hi Paul,
> <Will the high gas prices stop people from attending Portland ?>
> I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to make it this year - but -
> It's NOT because of the gas prices.
> I'm amazed at how the people gripe about the price of gas and milk and
> still continue
> to pay grossly inflated prices for bottled water and other "Luxuries".
> If you consider what they (we) have to go through to - Explore - Drill -
> Pump - Refine - Distribute -
> just to get a gallon of gas to you -
> and - what the Dairy Farmers must go through - Raising - Milking -
> Pasturizing - Distributing etc. -
> not to mention all the Government Regulation -  to get a gallon of milk
> to you -
> Maybe we'd look at it differently.
> Just my two cents.
> Joe "Pip" Betz said that.
> jlb94 at juno.com
>  ,-._,-.         "Taxes could be worse - suppose
>  \/)"(\/        we had to pay on what we thing we're worth."
>  (_o_)          http://community.webshots.com/user/pipbetz
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