[SEL] Portland - Gas Prices

Joseph L Betz jlb94 at juno.com
Fri Apr 15 10:05:51 PDT 2005

Hi Paul,

<Will the high gas prices stop people from attending Portland ?>

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to make it this year - but - 
It's NOT because of the gas prices.

I'm amazed at how the people gripe about the price of gas and milk and
still continue
to pay grossly inflated prices for bottled water and other "Luxuries".

If you consider what they (we) have to go through to - Explore - Drill -
Pump - Refine - Distribute -
just to get a gallon of gas to you -  
and - what the Dairy Farmers must go through - Raising - Milking -
Pasturizing - Distributing etc. -
not to mention all the Government Regulation -  to get a gallon of milk
to you - 
Maybe we'd look at it differently.
Just my two cents.

Joe "Pip" Betz said that. 
jlb94 at juno.com
 ,-._,-.         "Taxes could be worse - suppose  
 \/)"(\/        we had to pay on what we thing we're worth."
 (_o_)          http://community.webshots.com/user/pipbetz

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