[SEL] Biggest part you've lost?

Richard Fink Sr nancydick at pennswoods.net
Mon Apr 11 14:05:46 PDT 2005

George i had a odd loss last week not large, i was mounting a blade on my 
39 Cat R2. After fitting the metal pipes i removed them to paint. When 
taking them off i dropped a hold down bracket 3 ft up from the floor 
straight down. I am still looking for that bracket. figure it is hanging in 
mid air but can not see it.?????????
R Fink

At 08:44 AM 4/11/2005, you wrote:
>What's the biggest engine part you've lost?
>Last night I thought I'd better get the engine I'm taking to Tulare
>ready.  I'm planning on taking my vertical DUX.  When I got the engine
>it had no gas tank, so I cobbled up a bracket so I could mount a small
>gas tank.  It's a old Clinton mower engine tank about 3.5" in diameter
>and 10" long.
>A month or two ago I had taken the tank off the engine and put it
>somewhere.  Damn if I could find that thing last night.
>You'd think in a 24'x30' main shop room and a 12x15' adjoining room that
>I could find that darn tank.  Seems to have vanished :-(
>Got a few more nights to try to locate it, otherwise I'll just be
>running off what the float bowl will hold.
>I'm sure we've all lost nuts and bolts and the odd spring or checkball
>which went flying when we took something apart only to be surprised that
>there was a spring inside waiting to escape.
>WAIT George
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