[SEL] Private shows

Gary Epps garyepps at fidnet.com
Thu Apr 7 14:43:23 PDT 2005

Tom, what this says is that those bringing the exhibits bear all the 
liability for injury.  If the organizors or the county is sued they 
defend themselves and then pass their defense costs back to you if it 
was your property/action that injured someone.  Whether or not it was 
due to your careless or faulty equipment.

The phrase "machinery in motion" has scared insurors for years.  In my 
first life I was an insurance company casualty/property underwriter, you 
  know, the person that writes the restrictive endorsements that helps 
the insurance company keep as much of the premium as possible for profit.


Germoamer at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 4/7/2005 4:06:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
> lcjudge at scrtc.com writes:
> << I know there is the concern over liability.  But, an "engine man" 
>  getting his finger caught in an engine at a private get together carries 
>  just as much liability as a spectator doing the same. >>
> There is a new show starting up about an hour away that is being held on 
> county property.  They want each demonstrator to sign a form relieving the folks 
> putting on the show and also the county of any and all liability. Not sure what 
> they do about the spectators Anyone else familiar with this tactic?
> Tom Schmutz
> Concord, Va. USA
> Germoamer at aol.com
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