[SEL] Austral tool box

Jack Watson nadejack at optusnet.com.au
Mon Apr 4 20:15:44 PDT 2005

Dave Rotigel wrote:

> At 09:46 PM 4/4/2005, you wrote:
>> G'day Dwight, I often have wondered about your question myself as I 
>> also only have a couple of spare nuts and bolts in my Austral tool box.
> Can someone please tell me why so many people answer a question asked 
> to the List simply saying that they don't know shit about the question 
> asked.
>         Dave
Dave, since you asked the question, I think the psychologists would say 
that this is positive feed-back.

In a visual type conversation, the participants would be nodding their 
heads, indicating that they were following the conversation: not 
necessarily agreeing with it.

In the case of telephone conversations, we tend to say Yes, Yes, Uhuh,  
from time to time. So here we may occasionally email "Yes, me too".  The 
actual words are not important, just the indication of acceptance of the 

I do know that I find it off-putting and get a feeling that my input is 
unworthy of acknowledgement when I make a comment and get the Easter 
Island Statue response - no feed-back, however how trivial.

Is this so bad?

Jack on Oz

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