[SEL] Fooled again- O.T. comment

Paul Maples paulmaples at sbcglobal.net
Sun Apr 3 09:12:45 PDT 2005

I have hesitated to add my two cents to the O.T. subject because, as you all 
know, I have been a heavy contributor to the O.T. posts. I was informed when 
I joined this list that it was made up of a wealth of different people who 
possessed different cultures, skills, and knowledge and knowing this I often 
tap into this resource to help me out in some day to day problem I have. We 
have Professors, Nuclear Engineers, Computer Specialist, Doctors, 
Electricians, Plumbers, Builders, Blacksmiths, Welders, Fabricators, Civil 
Servants, and many many, more. Never, and I repeat  Never have I not 
received a response to an O.T. problem I was having and in 99% of the time 
the knowledge that exists on this list solved my problem. Far from 
separating me from the List this only endeared me more to it. Knowing that 
you have a cyber family of over 300 people with whom many will be there for 
you through thick and thin is comforting and reassuring to me. I, like 
others, feel that this List would suffer if we shut down all of the O.T. 
subjects, in other words turned our backs on our neighbors who were asking 
for our help. By preceding the Subject line with O.T. lets everyone know 
that it is an off-engine subject so if someone is not interested just don't 
open it. However, for me, and I am sure many more of you, I open and read 
everyone of them thinking just maybe there may be a time I can return the 
many favors of help that this list has so generously given me. Now is this 
response meant to run down the few folks who have just voiced their 
opposition to O.T. subjects.......NO....some of these same folks have helped 
this old man  have a better day through their help and I am indebted to them 
and to them I now say "Thank You", you helped me when I needed it and this 
means as much to me as helping me with an engine problem.

What person on this List would not help out his neighbor if they had a need 
and you had the means to help them, I don't mean letting someone use you 
just because you have a certain skill or have a local shop, I mean really 
helping someone who needed you. The greatest gratification I believe I have 
ever gotten out of life was when I made wooden crafts for three local 
Nursing Homes and donated them to the residents so that they could have 
something to do because I knew these folks could not return the favor, there 
is something in the human psyche that yearns to help his fellow man.

So as Mr. Rotigel so aptly pointed out less than 1% of the folks see this as 
a problem which we can then surmise that 99% like and enjoy the opportunity 
to help others with their non-engine problems and I know, I just know, that 
these 1% folks would be one of the first to respond to someone on the list 
with an O.T. subject if they thought they could help........sure you would, 
you know why I know this? because you have helped me in the past with O.T. 

So let's reunite our family and let everyone know that "Yes", this is an 
engine List, but we care about you past just our interest in engines and if 
we can help one another with a problem, help one another have a better day, 
bring a smile when there was a smirk, reassure someone who is in doubt, help 
someone enjoy life a little more because we were able to remove a worry they 
had......then by golly we are going to do it. Life is not a dress rehearsal, 
we get one shot at it and then we are gone, let's help one another as we 
make our first and final pass through life.

For all of you who have helped me, and whom I know will continue to help me 
in the future, thank you and God Bless You, you did remove a worry I had, 
you did bring a smile to my face, you did help me get through a bad time, 
you did help my family by helping me solve a problem, you did reassure my 
faith in the human race and for this and much, much more, I will forever be 
indebted to you.

I am done,


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Listerdiesel" <listerdiesel at gmail.com>
To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2005 10:15 AM
Subject: Re: [SEL] Fooled again

> On Apr 3, 2005 3:28 PM, Germoamer at aol.com <Germoamer at aol.com> wrote:
>> Whoa be it to me to ever again bring up any subjects other than engine
>> related!
>> Thanks,
>> Tom Schmutz
> Or even woe be it... :-))
> Tom:  I don't think most folks really worry that much, and even George
> has his moments when he needs the occasional bit of help (as we all
> do) so don't worry too much about it.
> If the List was PURELY engine related stuff, then things would soon
> dry up as we have seen before, and a little bit of slightly OT stuff
> causes no harm, especially when you see Professor Dave joining in!
> Peter
> -- 
> Peter A Forbes
> Email: listerdiesel at gmail.com
> Web: www.oldengine.org/members/diesel
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