[SEL] Internal Fire Museum of Power

Prepair Ltd prepair at easynet.co.uk
Mon Sep 27 06:44:11 PDT 2004

On Mon, 27 Sep 2004 08:45:48 -0400, you wrote:

>Just wanted to clarify something.  The person recommending that we donate
>was NOT Paul Evans himself.   My bad for not making that clearer.
>Still have not heard one single NAY, though I have heard some other
>suggestions such as the Portland Show(Be sure you suggest the Portland show
>this winter when we combine funds with the winter charity auction).  I will
>donate $400 at the end of the day to Internal Fire unless a goodly number
>some votes to the contrary come up before 5:00pm EDST.
>Thanks for all the feedback and now back to your regularly scheduled
>Spencer Yost

I'd like to put a small comment in here; 

Although we are from the UK and Paul Evan's museum is also in the UK,
it is something that we all need to address in our charity
contributions, not on a country by country basis but as a wider effort
to support anything that is worthwhile AND engine-related.

When we come over to the USA, we support the Friends of The USAF
Museum for example, but not our own 'local' UK-based Duxford Air
Museum. We also have had involvement in the ATIS Charity Auctions at
Xmas and feel that these are all things that should continue.

I personally don't think that we should limit our contribution to just
the USA, we should be looking further afield to other countries where
there are suitable sites to invest a small amount in.

We are an international group, we should think internationally.

Peter A Forbes
Prepair Ltd, Luton, UK
prepair at easynet.co.uk

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