[SEL] horsepower formula

Dave Rotigel rotigel at alltel.net
Wed Sep 15 07:26:23 PDT 2004

 Don't feel bad about the math error Dave,  I
> had a professor in engineering that always said, "Those that can't do,
> and those that can't teach , pass out printed literature." He usually said
> this as he passed out a quiz.   Geo.

Hi Geo,
    I once heard about a professor who, when passing out a quiz, would say
to the students "Now this is just one of my little Quizzes. Take my little
Quizzie and hand it in in 10 minutes." Upon reading the quiz (which was 4
paragraphs long and required a 2 page response) a co-ed was once heard to
exclaim "If this is an example of his 'little quizzie' I'd like to see his

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