[SEL] Cotton Ginning Days Oct. 8, 9, and 10th.

Curt Holland curt at imc-group.com
Mon Sep 13 06:47:16 PDT 2004

Cotton Ginning Days is less than a month away! Wanted to make the 
announcement of our 17th annual show at Dallas, NC (Gastonia). Our 
feature engine this year is Stickney.
The CGD show is done in conjunction with the county at the county horse 
park. The combination of rolling terrain and flat areas for camping make 
for a very nice show grounds. We generally have about 300 exhibitors and 
25,000 spectators. If you like talking with people and explaining to the 
general public what your engines/tractors do, this is the show for you! 
Very few shows have this kind of spectator to exhibitor ratio.
Our grounds include a fully functioning 1900 Continental Gin driven with 
a 37 HP FM semi diesel driving it. Here is a link showing a few pictures:
We will be ginning cotton all three days of the show.

We also have built a blacksmith building:
 click "fwd" thru about 6 images of the blacksmith building showing Bob 
hammering a part.
Some pictures from last years show can be seen at:

On Friday evening in front of the gin building, will be the social with 
an unbelievable assortment of deserts and hot cider served.

As always we serve a free country dinner on Saturday evening to all 
displaying exhibitors.
We'll be weighing the bale of cotton on Sunday afternoon for the cash 
prize for who guessed the weight the closest.

A map and directions can be found here:

We believe Cotton Ginning Days is one of the nicest shows in the 
southeast. We hope you can join us this year and we look forward to 
seeing you.

Curt Holland
Gastonia, NC
(704) 853-2992 (home)
(704) 471-6573 (work)
(704) 472-8599 (cell)

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