[SEL] re National Rally

Curt Holland curt at imc-group.com
Fri Sep 10 09:10:32 PDT 2004

Whew! Good to hear something positive about the Rally. From where I am 
sitting I was seriously beginning to have second thoughts. With the 
"exorbitant costs", the long travel distances, and then learning I would 
not be permitted to even get close and look at the engines (a good 
percentage of the reason we are going) , I was beginning to have some 
real reservations about attending. Between your email and Adam's email I 
have a much better feeling about the event. If I have to pay $12AU for 
the privilege to look at engines up close then so be it. It is 
insignificant compared to the total cost of the trip.
Curt Holland
Gastonia, NC

Kerry wrote:

>G'Day Steve and All
>Patrick stole my thunder but I would like a say if I may
>This subject has been on the SEL for months now and the efforts of some have
>seen the National Rally Committee re-look at some issues, to their credit
>they did, some improvements some no change so be it.
>Instead of a negative answer from several it would be would have been better
>to show our international friends how hospitable us Aussies really are, this
>is the first attempt by several of our SEL group to cross the pond and see
>us and our great OZ engines as we are. The amount of bickering about our
>biggest rally should end, we have the rules you either go or no go.
>Insurance, bloody fences, and all the other crap does not stop us from
>having a great time at any of the rallies I have been to and will not stop
>the Yanks or any other international visitor from doing the same, I will
>make sure of that.

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