[SEL] re National Rally

Kerry ozengine at optusnet.com.au
Fri Sep 10 04:15:37 PDT 2004

G'Day Steve and All

Patrick stole my thunder but I would like a say if I may
This subject has been on the SEL for months now and the efforts of some have
seen the National Rally Committee re-look at some issues, to their credit
they did, some improvements some no change so be it.
Instead of a negative answer from several it would be would have been better
to show our international friends how hospitable us Aussies really are, this
is the first attempt by several of our SEL group to cross the pond and see
us and our great OZ engines as we are. The amount of bickering about our
biggest rally should end, we have the rules you either go or no go.
Insurance, bloody fences, and all the other crap does not stop us from
having a great time at any of the rallies I have been to and will not stop
the Yanks or any other international visitor from doing the same, I will
make sure of that.

> Curt
> Reg is right when he says you will not be able to enter the engine
> This applies only when engines are running. This is all to do with
> liability, safety and insurance issues. They are set by the insurer and

CRAP, Insurance is about money, pay the money and you can do anything, All
they have to do is join a club for a year, pay the fees and become a member
and go anywhere.
I tried to ring the Rally Committee tonight with out success and will try
again over the weekend, if they will not allow international visitors to
become members of their club ours would welcome them with open arms.If they
have come from overseas $20 should not be a great Burdon if it is some of us
would fix that I am sure.
When I went to the Portland Rally Indiana I joined the local club for a year
not because I had to but to get a felling of belonging and to be part of it.

I would be disappointed of any of us Aussie SEL members could not make it to
the Rally for the wrong reasons and more disappointed if our international
members did not come because of the crap we have been on about.

So my Aussie friends it is time to get FAIR DINKUM and start talking about
the real issues.

Who is going
Who is taking engines
Can we get a SEL area as per the last National, and how many would use it
What other activities can we interest our international friends while they
are with us.
etc. etc

I will gratefully get off my box now in the hope I have not offended but
opened a new direction for discussion.


PS. Steve welcome back to the LIST

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