[SEL] My Economy (AGAIN)

Arnie Fero fero_ah at city-net.com
Fri Sep 3 06:12:19 PDT 2004

Hi Joe,

On Thu, 2 Sep 2004, Joe Prindle wrote:

> Here is one that gets stale beer poured on it to keep the moss growing:
> http://members.tznet.com/jprindle/alseconomy1.jpg


> Nothing sucks
> like removing a bad, bad paint job. Well, owning up to the fact that I put
> that sucko paint job on it in the first place might be worse, but just try
> to get me to admit it!


> A year or so ago, Chuck Balyeat and I had a conversation going off-list
> about "as found" engines. Chuck said he thought it would make a really
> cool feature. What do you guys think? I have a Fuller with tree grown up
> through the rails on the trucks, engine runs great and the first year I
> took it to a show, I watered the box elder stump for a few weeks and got
> it to sprout at the show. Cool, eh?

I think that would make an EXCELLENT "SEL group effort" article.  I can
hear the Flamemistress' hard drive spinning up now.  And it sounds like
you have two excellent examples.  I think Tommy Turner has a neat
Springfield with the option tree attachment.  Dave Rotigel has some cool
pics of his 12 hp Herk being surgically removed from a collapsed building.
Craig Prucha has some neat pics of his Olin(?) with the engine in one
place and flywheel down the hollow leaning against a tree.

This could be cool.

See ya,  Arnie

Arnie Fero
Pittsburgh, PA
fero_ah at city-net.com

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