[SEL] Portland Pictures Finally Ready - 300

paulmaples at sbcglobal.net paulmaples at sbcglobal.net
Thu Sep 2 21:44:17 PDT 2004

Ok folks I have finally finished processing the 300 pictures I took at 
Portland. I tried this year to present an overall flavor of Portland in the 
pictures. I have grouped them into five categories so you can pick and 
choose the ones you want to look at and disregard those you are not 
interested in. The five categories are:

Portland 2004 General Display Area Pictures:

Portland 2004 Tractors, Steam Engines, Threshers, Sheller's, Etc

Portland 2004 SEL Display Area Pictures:

Portland 2004 Vendor Area - Engines - Parts - Misc.

Portland 2004 SEL Dinner & Auction Pictures

I am tired and I am going to bed, I hope you enjoy the pictures.


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