[SEL] My Economy (AGAIN)

Curt Holland curt at imc-group.com
Thu Sep 2 06:56:00 PDT 2004

Could you tell us more about the current condition of the engine? Is 
there a mix of original paint blended with the patina of well oiled cast 
iron showing thru? Perhaps a faded but still visable Economy logo.... Is 
some of the pinstriping still there? If this is the case then I would 
certainly leave it original.
However, if it is a rusty lump with no paint anymore it needs some 
painting TLC.
Or if it has been repainted in the past it needs some painting TLC.
A lot of us Americans are lazy when it comes to engine painting. I've 
seen lots of engines at shows that look like crap because the owner was 
just not motivated to clean and/or paint the engine. Based on the engine 
pictures our European friends post, it is apparent the art of elbow 
grease, hard work, and craftsmanship is alive and well there. You'll not 
see a shabby engine on their side of the pond. Most are spendidly 
prepared and painted with a high quality paint. We could all learn a 
thing or two from our European freinds.
If you embark on the path of repainting your Economy, you need to decide 
to what extent you will refinish her.
There are guys that blast and simply paint the engines as the casting 
are, imperfections and all. This is NOT the quality of finish the 
engines left the factory with. The manufacturers had some "paste" they 
used to fill in the casting imperfections with before painting them. 
That original product is not available but modern (and superior) 
products such as body filler and Icing do a great job.
While slicking an engine is a lot of work there is some merit to doing 
at least the water hopper. When you buy the replacement decals (either 
water transfer or stick on) the translucent background will turn 
invisible on a nice slick/smooth surface. Decals placed on a as cast and 
painted surface look pretty bad as the "translucent" portion of the 
decal takes on a white look to it. Glenn Karch can advise you on the 
proper decal for your year of Economy.
As Joe said, it will be like taking a new gal to the show. Will she be a 
good looker or a trophy gal?
Curt Holland
Gastonia, NC

Bob Jacobs wrote:

> Hey, pretty quiet out there!!!
>Now that I've got this Economy running I'm wondering which way to go with
>Is it better to clean & paint or leave her all original????
>Some people call me Sweet Ole' Bob,
>others just use the initials!
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