[SEL] Maytag twin Runs

MaytagTwin at aol.com MaytagTwin at aol.com
Sun Oct 24 20:25:07 PDT 2004

In a message dated 10/24/2004 11:15:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
FRM8198 at aol.com writes:
Hi List
I acquired another Maytag twin engine (with a cast iron gas tank) <SNIP>
After the cleaning and repairing was completed, it started with the second 
kick and the Maytag runs now.

Francis Maciel
Santa Maria, California
Hi Fancis,
VERY GOOD!  I am always pleased to hear of another Maytag coming to life.  
Ron Carroll
Maytag Underground Railroad, Eastern Terminal
Nokesville, Virginia

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