[SEL] windmills

R and E Freeman plb at iinet.net.au
Wed Oct 20 05:44:43 PDT 2004

Peter,there are two common Southern Cross mills in common use.The Z pattern 
was made up till about 1952.On this mill the fan spokes are clamped to the 
hub by a type of U bolt. The tail is made of corrigated iron. The bearings 
inside the head are babbit type. The later IZ has spokes that screw into the 
hub and a flat sheet tail. The bearings inside are replacable white metal. 
There is a bearing out at the end of the snout on both models that supports 
the shaft, The other bearing which acts as a spacer is in front of the guide 
bar. There is a pinion on either side and I think they are located by a roll 
pin. All later Z's and all IZ's also have two grub screws in the pinions 
that locate onto flats on the shaft. I do have a manual for the IZ which I 
can get to you if you want. Both models came in fan diameter's of 6 
foot,8,10,12 and 14 foot. You can still buy the IZ's new and get parts for 
both. The older model has to have the bearings cast into the head. WD Moore 
here in Perth used to do it and likely still do.

Ray Freeman
Portable Line Boring
plb at plb.iinet.net.au
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "peter ogborne" <jopeter at omninet.net.au>
To: <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 8:09 PM
Subject: [SEL] windmills

>I am restoring what i think is a Southern Cross windmill. I have had to 
> a new main shaft , ie the shaft that holds the blades. This shaft has two
> driving  pinions which engage with the crank gears. Does anyone know what
> the spacer looks like or whatever it is that holds the driving pinions
> apart. It must also retain the shaft in the gearbox.
> Peter Ogborne
> Little Grove ,Albany
> West Australia
> ''Heart of the Rainbow Coast ''
> jopeter at omninet.net.au
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