[SEL] Very little traffic

cgandree at mchsi.com cgandree at mchsi.com
Fri Nov 5 04:26:35 PST 2004

Was having the same celebration around here....but did you and your local boys 
do anything about that damned "prohibitional policy" on buying beer at the 
local gas station like most normal states enjoy???????
> >I got to thinking that it has been slow, though I was busy whatching the 
> >returns last night, iy seems I have only recieved 5 messages from SEL for 
> >the last two days, whats up ? are we alone or is it just slow?
> >Ted Brookover
> Hi Ted,
>          I can't speak for others, but I've been out shooting my guns in 
> the air, drinking beer, and just generally celebrating the loss of that 
> FRENCH looking candidate for president of our great country!
>          Dave
> PS, Did you know that "W" got the MOST votes EVER cast for a President of 
> the USA? (About 4,000,000 more than that FRENCH looking guy!)
> PPS, Did you know that he is the first president in a LONG TIME to get over 
> 50% of the vote? (Think that Reagan was the last one.)
> PPPS, I just knew that the American public was not as stupid as the polls 
> were showing!
> PPPPS, I'm also in the process of restoring a United States Air Compressor 
> built in Cleveland OH. (1930/40's?) S/N 655 SC--any idea how I can get an 
> exact date on it?
> PPPPPS, Sorry this went to the List, I meant it to go to Ted directly, but 
> pushed the "send" button before I remembered to change the address!
> PPPPPPS, This is the last "PS" 
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