engine tolerances - Re: [SEL] Coolspring & Beyond...

BetCleve321 at aol.com BetCleve321 at aol.com
Mon Jun 21 16:24:54 PDT 2004

In a message dated 6/21/2004 5:51:37 PM Eastern Standard Time,  
cgbusch at yahoo.com writes:

I use  high quality modern motor
oil in the oiler.  (I may start using  synthethic oil.)

The engine probably runs better than it has in  50
years. Although it is in battered work clothes. When
actually using  these engines for work, you need 'em to
run right.  :)

Chris Busch

Why not use some heavy cylinder oil like 60 wt Harley oil. Or some 50 wt.  
aero Shell 100..
The stuff really quiets the noise down. I believe they were intended for  use 
with heavy cylinder oil back then.
If you are leaving loose clearances in your projects, the heavy stuff will  
work well.

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