[SEL] Vaughan Motor; Mitchell, Lewis, Staver Motor

cgandree at mchsi.com cgandree at mchsi.com
Tue Jun 15 03:53:14 PDT 2004

Very much interested in the engine made by Mitchell, Lewis & Staver since Ive 
been doing much research on Stover engines and have records showing large 
amounts of engines sold to them in early 1900's.  That company was a big 
exporter of Stover/Cooper badged engines sent to Australia.  If you could 
contact me off list I would greatly appreciate it.
thankyou in advance,
Curt Andree
> I was visiting an old dredge museum in eastern Oregon last week, and saw
> in the yard there a small motor made by Vaughan Motor Works in Portland,
> Oregon.  Since I live in Portland, I am thinking I would like to find one
> of these.  I find no information on it by doing internet searches, other
> than some photos of a unit at a museum in Australia.  Does anyone have
> any information on one of these, or does anyone have one of these in
> restorable condition that they would be willing to part with?  
> Also, I am going to an auction south of me where there is a motor made by
> Mitchell, Lewis, & Staver, again of Portland, Oregon.  I am looking for
> the same information on that motor, as well as an estimate of what would
> be an acceptable price to bid on it.  It does not run, does not turn, but
> looks to be all there.  It is painted orange, but I do not know if that
> is original or not.  I do not know the model, but the flywheel is about 2
> to 3 feet in diameter, it is a single piston motor, and it has the CI
> water tank on it.
> -Colin Rush
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