[SEL] Cylinder Epoxy
Chuck Balyeat
kerogas at the-i.net
Thu Jul 29 10:55:11 PDT 2004
Last year there was a healthy discussion pertaining to using epoxy, like JB
Weld to
fill pits in cylinder walls. I have an old Hercules that is in dire need of
such a fix.
Details and proceedures will be appreciated.
Pits you can do easy . Sitting forever with water on the piston , leaving a
"ring around the collar "
that reapir might fall off though . But no big deal if it does . Degrease ,
burn, , scrub , just get the cylinder oil free
sandblast the pits to give em some bite . Mix up epoxy , swab into pits and
use a broken piston
ring with a silicone release agent to spread into bore . Release agent is
not absolutely necc .
Hone to fit . Tell no-one and save yourself a lecture . Just like
bodywork the trick is to get it
near perfect the first time and not spend all day with a bondo file , or in
this case the hone .
If it is pitted all the way around in a small cylinder , do one side let it
set up , do the other , then hone both .
You can make it up as you go and still get it right
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