[SEL] Re: SEL Digest, Vol 4, Issue 22

Adam Cottrill adamcottrill at telstra.com
Thu Jul 22 03:34:47 PDT 2004

Hi everyone and Reg,
                   Thanks so much for all your responses, I agree there are costs to attend an event like this are mounting again I pose the question and the challange give the organisers suggestions on how to reduce the costs, and it is this I also encourage you Reg you place in your letter and I congratulate you in the forsight to take this action.

As for the club and members situation I agree you have people who do nothing but pay there dues each year in clubs yes my club has them too. But I cant think of any clubs in Victoria who aren't getting bigger maybe some of the other guys in Vic can raise some Orford, Goldsmith, Weddurburn, Bookaar, Hamilton and the Sumpoilers are going from strength to strength there is even a new rally being planned in Warrnambool in Jan next year. I think as a good example the Junction Rally on recently is a good gauge of how healthy the hobby is, no I didnt attend but from what I hear it was standing room only for exhbitiors by Saturday Lunch time.

I'm right behind you on the lerking comment the more guys who say something as you have Reg the better the hobby will be positive debate is always good.

The hobby and clubs have had to make changes and become more modern in a historical hobby, people dont like change in most cases older people are reluctant as they dont understand or are scared of the outcomes or on the other hand dont want to leave there comfort zone. Maybe the examples you placed Reg in NSW reflect this and I mean no disrespect in this comment to the older persons in this hobby.

I will admit Reg as you breifly touched on rallys have almost become a business due to the requirements from local council, insurance and all the other stuff im sure you well know. No we should not be profited off, but at the same token the organisers have to break even. Think the other side of the card no exhibitors no rallys.... no rallys being organised no opertunity to exhibit.  

In closing your comments about the NHMA as valid as they may or maynot be I suggest you move to make a "alternative" to the NHMA, one of the other guys commented about competition brining prices down. Yes the NHMA does have the monopoly on clubs and exhibitors. When you wish to do this Reg please let me know I would be more than happy to help you in putting this togeather and would welcome sitting down with you and working through it.



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