[SEL] olds

Michael Young wara at ozemail.com.au
Sun Jul 18 03:49:12 PDT 2004

Hi David,

I dont pretend to be an expert on them but as I have 2 Olds engines, I have
tried to find out what I could over the years.  Tell me what your engine is
and the exact details on your plate and I will tell you what I can.  As far
as I know there is no one keeping a serial no. register of Olds engines and
there are no original factory records in captivity.  There are a few Olds
specialists in the States (as in US of) who might care to identify
themselves and they might know something.

If you have a pre Seager Olds Type A engine (i.e. Olds Gas Power Plate -
with  B serial no. prefix.) it can probably be dated within a year or so.
They were made in the 1904/5 - 1910 era.  The early engines - pre 1904 - can
also be very roughly dated but I dont know about the Seager plated engines.

I have a 12Hp type A ~1909 and a gearless 12hp ~1898/9 which has given me a
keen interest in this brand.


Michael Young
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Nicolson" <dnicolson40 at hotmail.com>
To: <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Sunday, July 18, 2004 6:47 PM
Subject: [SEL] olds

> hi everyone, just chasing a bit of imfo on a 3hp type a olds i picked up
> yesterday. any imfo would be appreciated. thanks in advance.  dave in oz
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