[SEL] Re: Stover Engine Fuel Saver
don.h at wcoil.com
Sat Jul 17 10:36:12 PDT 2004
Hey Paul dont get the GAS lines mixed up with the Letric. in the
----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Maples" <pmaples at anaxis.net>
To: "Stationary Engine List" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 8:52 AM
Subject: [SEL] Re: Stover Engine Fuel Saver
> Hey Guys since we all need a laugh every once in a while I thought I would
> share my stuck valve story with you. I just sent out a message on the SEL
> response to Joe Prindle's message to me and I told him that I thought he
> right, if the exhaust valve was depressed and the finger on the rocker arm
> move downward then there might be enough movement that the fuel saver arm
> would actually move over under the intake valve washer. BUT, I told Joe,
> the whole world, that my valves were stuck and I would have to get them
> loosened up before I would know. Now there was a very good reason the
> were stuck.
> I have the head off and setting on the table when I took all of the
> that everyone is seeing. I had tried to depress the valves to check out
> Joe's theory and they would not move so obviously they were stuck
> right......WRONG, The darn head must weight 30# or more and since the
> with the face of the valves, were setting flush on the table there was no
> way I could depress the valves.......dumb, but laughable so having already
> admitted my dumbness to everyone in other posts I was not ashamed to share
> this with you. Like someone said yesterday on the List about themselves,
> same applies to me, I am eat up with the dumb's but I stay away from the
> stupids, ha, ha.
> I picked up the head and took it to the shop just now to put some
> penetrating oil on the stems and as I was turning the head up on it's side
> so I could apply oil to the stem the darn valves started working, moving
> and out easily. I still applied oil to them. I have to run now and start
> the house wiring but as soon as I get in I will check out the movement
> the exhaust valve depressed and see if the fuel saver arm will swing under
> the intake valve washer. I hope that I stay away from the dumbs on wiring
> this house or my son and his family may be in trouble. I will be back on
> line later this afternoon. Keep the cards and letters coming in on this
> subject.
> Paul
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Patrick M Livingstone" <pml1 at bigpond.net.au>
> To: "'Paul Maples'" <pmaples at anaxis.net>
> Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 7:21 AM
> Subject: RE: Fuel Savers
> > Hi Paul,
> > That fuel saver is on my DX horizontal. I was beginning to suspect
> > that it would be what you were looking for. The standard horizontals
> changed
> > very little in their production run and the early verticals seem to have
> > been based on their design. The later verticals appear to be a design
> > from the standard horizontals and early verticals to the 'Junior' range.
> > The fuel saver lever is of very simple construction, it seems to be
> > fabricated and not cast. I would not worry too much about it as they are
> not
> > essential for the running of the engine and do not do a lot. Having a
> strong
> > valve spring will do the same job. It was a bit of an advertising
> a
> > bit like the "Stover single rod engines".
> > Patrick
> >
> > Patrick M Livingstone
> > Leichhardt NSW
> > http://www.oldengine.org/members/pml/Index.html
> > http://www.users.bigpond.com/pml/
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> >
> >
> > Great pictures Patrick, your picture #1703 looks almost like the setup I
> am
> > trying get to. The pivot pin on this head is directly in front of the
> rocker
> > arm stanchion where my sets off to one side but the fuel saver arm is
> > setting at the same angle as mine is setting right now. Thanks a million
> for
> > the pictures, they will be part of the brochure/booklet of Stover Fuel
> Saver
> > Arms.
> >
> > I may be getting back to you to see if I can get a few more detail shots
> of
> > the #1703 head picture.
> >
> > Paul
> >
> >
> >
> >
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