[SEL] SEL Response Time - Is there a Problem?

Curt Holland curt at imc-group.com
Fri Jul 16 10:26:12 PDT 2004

It takes hours for my posts to post sometimes. The owner of the ISP we 
use (Carolina Internet), used to be an employee here so I know him well. 
I have discussed this at length with him and in the past have sent him 
copies of emails I have posted to the SEL that had huge delays. He took 
the time to research where the delays were occurring and sent me 
detailed reports of the routing. His company, Carolina Internet, is not 
the bottleneck in my delayed posts. His data showed the delay was with 
the host of the SEL. Since this is a free service to us all it would be 
inappropriate to even utter a hint of complaint about it, so that ended 
my pursuit of the issue. I am content to deal with the mild 
inconvenience this causes.
What made me suspect this was a Carolina Internet problem, was that I 
will see replies to one of my posts before I see my own post. But 
according to Morgan's data the delay is not in his portion of the route. 
I would dig thru my trash folder and post Morgan's data, but 
unfortunately just last week I deleted some 69,000 messages from my 
trash folder because it was making my browser slow. I guess I could ask 
him to prepare another report if there is interest.
Curt Holland
Gastonia, NC
Post time 1:28 EST

Paul Maples wrote:

>Folks is there something wrong with the SEL, use to I would post something
>and it would pop right up, now it seems like it takes forever, may just be
>my computer and this is why I am asking. Thanks
>SEL mailing list
>SEL at lists.stationary-engine.com

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