[SEL] Portland trip report outline

Michael Tucker mtucker at uky.edu
Fri Aug 20 08:05:32 PDT 2004

>We are looking forward to your suggestions.
>Curt, Missy, & Devin Holland


How 'bout furthest distance traveled in the US to get there? 
Furthest distance from another country?  How far did he travel to get 
there and through which states?  Oldest engine that he see's?  How 
many spectators do they expect to come through the gates per day and 
for the entire show?  I bet from a director he could get that info 
and info concerning the economic impact on the city of Portland.

See ya',

PS.  Although Rob's suggestions are good and may even be considered 
"need to know information," I'm not sure that the answers should be 
included in the report!
Michael Tucker
Midway, Kentucky, USA
mtucker at uky.edu

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